Christy Conway
Christy Conway has worked for Henry Schein Dental for the past 21 years. 18 as a Field Sales Consultant helping her customers grow their dental practices and for the past 3 years as a Transition Sales Consultant, brokering the sales of dental practices. She has an MBA in Marketing and has always focused on the Business Side of Dentistry, assisting her accounts with implementing yearly action plans based on our Henry Schein Practice Analysis product. Christy was an early pioneer with Social Media not only in her territory with helping her customers start their Social Media presence, but also nationally. She was a featured speaker at both the Henry Schein Dental National Sales Meeting along with the Dental Practice Transitions National Sales Meeting. Christy’s background and successes in working with new dentists starting their practices and helping Dentists transition out of their practices puts her in a unique position to assist both sellers and buyers. Christy is also a licensed Real Estate Agent.
Beyond her achievements in the dental field, Christy is also well-versed in fundraising, having worked closely with non-profit organizations. Her dedication to community and her ability to put on successful events have left an indelible mark on the causes she supports. Her favorite job of all is being a mother to 4 girls, ages 14, 12 and 10 year old twins. Any free time she has you will find her on the golf course or on another travel adventure!